Ehhh...What's up Doc?

Ehhh...What's up Doc?

Thursday, January 29, 2009


God does things for reasons (Acts 9:1-9). Although we may never come to a full understanding of the (whys, whats, wheres and hows) if we are open to His gentle whispers and stay immersed in His Word we are being obedient and can have a positive effect for His glory.
jn 3:16

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Today's devotion from "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers refers us to MATT. 6:25 "Take no thought for your life."

In earnestness I wonder in the today's "cold, bleak" world do we trust God to truly take care of us. We are so wrapped up in our lives...We give so little time to our true Father.

We take so much time planning, thinking, even pondering tomorrow...
Jesus tells us to "Be anxious for nothing."

A friend of mine once told me: "we can do nothing about yesterday (it's gone),
live for today (we can make a difference with Christ in us), and tomorrow is God's...
Amen to both of them.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Who would play you in your biographic movie?
What's cool in your life right now?