Ehhh...What's up Doc?

Ehhh...What's up Doc?

Monday, January 26, 2009

What's cool in your life right now?


  1. Brother, the coolest thing in mylife right now is how GOD shows me how much He loves me and cares for me! That the Creator of the Universe, who holds all things in His hand by His Word - considers me and you, and loves us enough to die for us! Who has created all the things we see for us, that we may know His Glory! How cool is that!!!!

  2. To reflect on what was missing in my life before Christ, and giving credit to the Lord for fulfilling each one...Crazy how He filled them after I accepted His son as my Lord.

  3. One of my favorite passages in the Bible is Psalm 23, especially the part where David says in verse 5: "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil, My cup runs over." Who are my enemies - are they not also His enemies? He says He will bless you in front of his (Satan) face, he can do nothing about it or like it! He says He will let him know just how special we are to Him by anointing our heads with oil - a very special blessing indeed! Then David looks at his life and see's his life, like a cup, is overflowing with the blessings of the Father!

  4. He really does know the secrets of our hearts.
